The month of July is set aside to draw attention to the unique and specific mental health challenges that minority groups face in the society.

There are certain mental health challenges that individuals face because they belong to a specific minority group based on their ethnicity, occupation, gender, physical characteristics etc.

In this article, our focus shall be on women working in male-dominated careers or industries.
You will learn about the various challenges that women who work in male-dominated careers
face, its impact on their mental health and how they can be supported.

Women in Male-Dominated Fields/Careers

These are women who work in industries or careers that men mostly work in or are seen as traditionally for men.
Examples of such industries are building and construction, technology, engineering, architecture, transport and logistics, financial services, politics etc.

Women who work in these fields experience a lot of challenges which negatively impact their mental health and overall well-being. According to research , women in male-dominated fields have higher rates of suicides compared to other employed women in other industries.
Also, women in these industries suffer from high-levels of stress which increases the risk of depression and other mental health illnesses.

Problems and Challenges faced by Women in Male-Dominated Careers and its Impact on their Mental State

Everyone faces challenges in their workplace however women working in male-dominated industries face certain problems just because they work in those industries.
They include:

1. Discrimination and Sexism.
2. Unhealthy Societal Expectations and Stereotypes.
3. Sexual Harassment and Gender-based violence.
4. Work-Life Balance Struggles.
5. Isolation and Absence of Role Models/Mentors.
6. Pay Imbalance/Gap.
7. Limited Opportunities for Promotion and Career Advancements.

Here is a brief explanation of 3 of these challenges and its impact on their mental health-

1. Discrimination and Sexism

Due to the traditional beliefs that certain careers are for men, women who work in these fields are discriminated against in their workplace.
Sexist beliefs that women are not capable of doing the same work or giving the same quality of work as men is one of the reasons for this discrimination.
Their work is usually met with distrust, and doubt. Their abilities are also usually questioned regardless of their qualifications.
The results of a study carried out by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research showed that nearly half of the women who worked in male-dominated fields experienced discrimination in one form or the other.

Impact on their mental health: The constant discrimination in the workplace, in decision making and promotions etc., leave women working in these fields frustrated and disappointed which affects their self-esteem and can lead to depression.

2. Unhealthy Societal Expectations and Stereotypes

Cultural, societal and religious expectations and stereotypes are one of the challenges women in male-dominated fields have to deal with regularly.
It is still believed that only men are allowed to work in certain jobs or occupations like mechanics, construction, transportation, technology etc.
So, women who work in these fields have to work twice as hard compared to their male counterparts to prove themselves and be taken seriously.
Some of these women have resorted to several unhealthy coping mechanisms with the most common being ‘self-shielding’.
Self-shielding means to change the way you talk, act or look. Women in male-dominated fields have to act and dress masculine, be less reactive, stay calm and cool always, all in a bid to fit in.

Impact on their mental health: All these unhealthy coping mechanisms and constant need to prove their competence has led to an increase in stress, depression, anxiety and burn out in women who work in male-dominated careers.

3. Sexual Harassment and Gender-based Violence
Sexual harassment is a major problem that women who work in male-dominated careers face.
In the US, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received more reports of sexual harassment from women in male-dominated careers compared to other industries.
A good example is the entertainment industry in Nigeria, where men dominate decision making and leadership roles. A lot of women in this industry face a lot of sexual harassments .
Furthermore, women who work in these fields suffer from several forms of violence like physical abuse, bullying, threats of violence or intimidation etc. at work.
A study carried out by the Nigeria Labor Congress and US solidarity Center , revealed that 52% of women had been threatened in their work, on the way to or from work.

Impact on their mental health: These constant state of caution and worry has led to increased anxiety and stress for women who work in these fields.

How Can We Support Women Working in Male-Dominated Industries?

Supporting women in male-dominated industries is a joint effort and cannot be done alone.
We will consider a few ways individuals and organizations can support the mental health and overall well-being of women working in male-dominated industries.


1. Create mentorship and support networks-

You can create associations and mentorship groups where women in these fields can be mentored by other women who have gone ahead of them and can understand what they are going through.

2. Offer Support and Help-

You can help women in these fields share and manage their family and parenting responsibilities. This is a very helpful way to support especially if you are a partner or family member of a woman working in a male-dominated industry.

3. Encourage open discussions on the challenges that women in these industries face-

You can educate people around you on the challenges that woman in male dominated industries face. Tell others about the negative effects of sexist beliefs and jokes and discriminatory behaviors on women.


1. Create inclusive workplaces-

Whether you are an employee or an employer in a male-dominated industry, you can make your workplace a safe and inclusive space where female employees are not discriminated against.
As an employer, you can ensure that your employees especially male employees understand the consequences of any harassment and discrimination of female employees and set strict penalties for any report of harassment and discrimination.

2. Provide equal opportunities for all-

Women should be allowed to compete equally with their male counterparts for decision
making and leadership roles.

3. Provide access to mental health resources and trainings-

As an employer, you can organize trainings and seminars that would educate all your employees on the negative effects of discrimination and gender bias on the mental health of women in your organizations.
Click here to learn how we can help your organization do this.

These are just a few ways you can support the mental wellbeing and overall well-being of the women who work in male-dominated industries.


The challenges that women who work in male-dominated industries face places a heavy burden on their mental state. It also discourages other women from working in these industries.
Therefore, it is very important that individuals, organizations, governments etc. take practical steps to ensure that the mental health of women in male-dominated industries are supported.

Also Read-

1. 4 Misconceptions about Mental Health in Nigeria.
2. Therapy for Nigerians: Four ways Therapy Can Change your Life and Where You can Access