On August 12, the International Youth Day was globally celebrated. It is a day dedicated to acknowledging the efforts of youths in bringing change to the society.

It is also a day to bring awareness towards the challenges faced by youths globally.

Mental health has always been a major discussion among youths with suicide being the 4th leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds. According to a study, 1 in 6 Nigerians aged between 15-24 are depressed.

This is why the discussion on the mental health challenges of Nigerian Youths must be addressed.

So, in this article, we will examine some of the challenges faced by youths which affects their mental health and how they can be addressed.

Challenges Faced by Youths Which Affects their Mental Health

  1. Mental Health Disorders.
  2. Academic Pressure and Stress.
  3. Social Media Influence and Comparisons.
  4. Poverty and Unemployment.
  5. Substance Use Disorder.
  6. Peer Pressure and Bullying.
  7. Unhealthy Relationships/Domestic Violence.
  8. Family Conflicts/Dysfunctional Families.


(a). Mental Health Disorders: Mental health disorders are very common among young people in Nigeria compared to other age groups. Yet due to social stigma, inadequate access to mental health resources, low mental health awareness, these mental health issues are neglected and largely go untreated.

Many youths in our society are experiencing anxiety and depression but cannot speak up for fear of being ignored or stigmatized.

Furthermore, there is little or no awareness of other mental health disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Prolonged Duress Stress Disorder(PTSD), eating disorders, Autism etc.

All these has led to increase in drug abuse, addictions and suicide among our youths.

(b). Academic Pressure and Stress: Many youths especially in higher institutions are under pressure by their parents, peers and the society to get good grades and perform excellently.

While it is good to encourage students to give their best, it can also be overdone.

Academic Pressure according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) is the tension, discomfort and other emotions caused by the pressure from school, family and society in the academic process.

When students feel excessively pressured to excel in their academic pursuits, it can cause anxiety, poor sleep quality, unhealthy competitions which can have a negative effect on their mental health.

Academic pressure can also cause depression, anxiety, substance use , stress and burn out, etc.

(c). Social Media Influence and Comparisons: Multiple studies suggest that there is a huge correlation of mental health issues with excessive social media use.

Social media like all technologies has its advantages and disadvantages. Social media helps people connect, share information, etc. Yet with its many benefits, it also has many negative mental health effects.

The youths bear the major brunt of these negative impacts as they spend more time on social media compared to other age groups.

Social media comparisons have many negative effects on youths like poor sleep quality, unhealthy life and body comparisons, cyberbullying etc.

Furthermore, the constant comparisons that happen on social media has led to low self-confidence and inferiority complexes among many youths.

These has led to an increase in depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and self-harm.

(d). Poverty and Unemployment: Each year, the higher institutions keep churning out graduates with no corresponding jobs for them.

Many youths in Nigeria find it very difficult to make ends meet and this has driven many into vices like prostitution, thuggery, violence, drug abuse, and alcoholism, 419 etc.

The effects of poverty and unemployment on many youths is that they experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc.

Also Read : 10 Major Benefits of Joining an Online Mental Health Community


      5 Ways to Address and Handle These Mental Health Challenges Faced by Youths


  1. Mental Health Awareness and Literacy

Youths and other age groups in the society must be properly educated on mental health disorders to help them identify and seek help.

Through social media, television and radio stations, more awareness campaigns must be carried out about various mental health disorders.

The stigma around mental health needs to be gradually broken down and seeking help or speaking out must be encouraged.

Youths and society as a whole must also be informed on how and where they can access mental health resources.

  1. Social Media Awareness and Use Campaigns

Social media awareness campaigns targeted towards youths must be carried out both online and offline.

The aim of this is to educate youths on the negative realities and the dangerous effects of trying to meet the unreal expectations of social media.

The youths should also be educated on how excessive social media use can impact their mental health and how they can set healthy boundaries.

3. Substance Use Education and Treatment

Drug and alcohol abuse is at an all time high among youths today. In 2018, statistics showed that drug abuse was prevalent in up to 14 million Nigerians . Due to economic hardships, that number has increased today with the youths taking the lead.

To combat the impacts of substance, use among our youths, substance use education programs must be carried in schools, higher institutions, social media etc.

Youths must also be educated on the detrimental effects of drug and alcohol abuse on their mental health, alongside guidance on accessing resources such as drug education programs, counseling centers, recovery clinics, and support groups.

4. Poverty Alleviation and Job Creation

The government must put extra efforts into job creation to reduce the number of unemployed youths in the country and reduce poverty.

Furthermore, skill acquisition trainings must be aggressively carried out by the government and other stakeholders to ensure that Nigerian youths have means of survival.

5. Increased Access to Mental Health Resources and Communities.

There needs to be more mental health clinics, programs and communities that would provide accurate mental health information to youths and guide them in making better choices related to their mental health.

     Join Our Mental Health Community Today

The Mycarebuddy mental health community is a safe space where like-minded individuals who truly care about their mental health come together to connect, learn, and access premium mental health resources. It is open to all age groups and individuals.

Join the Mycarebuddy mental health community today and get unlimited access to mental health resources like professional guidance, mental health articles and videos, mental health webinars and masterclasses, addiction recovery etc.

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