August 31 is globally recognized as the International Overdose Awareness Day. It is a day dedicated to create awareness on drug overdose and drug abuse and other harmful effects of drug abuse.

It is also a day to remember those who have lost their lives due to drug overdose and encourage support for people who are in recovery or have been affected by drug use.

The theme for this year’s International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is “Together We Can”. This means that to stop drug overdose and other harmful effects of drug abuse, all hands must be on deck.

So, in this article, you will learn about drug overdose and drug abuse in Nigeria, its impact and how we can all contribute to its reduction in Nigeria.

                      Drug Abuse and Drug Overdose in Nigeria

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is the excessive consumption of substances like alcohol, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, etc., or the misuse of prescription drugs like cough syrup, tranquilizers, etc.

A 2018 report showed that drug abuse was prevalent among an estimated 14 million Nigerians. Unfortunately, that number has skyrocketed today.

In 2021, the National Drug Law enforcement Agency (NDLEA) revealed that 40% of youths between 18-35 were deeply involved in drug abuse. This is how dire the drug abuse crisis in Nigeria is.

Drug Overdose

Drug Overdose in simple terms is when a person has excess substances or drugs in his/her body system. It is a very serious issue as it can easily lead to death.

Drug Overdose is a very terrible reality in our world today. In America, up to 107,543 people died from drug overdose in 2023.

Drug Overdose has also caused a lot of deaths in Nigeria. Earlier this year, a student of University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) died of an overdose of Colorado, an illegal drug popularly known as “colos”or “spice”.

This is just one of many incidents of drug overdose in Nigeria.

Drug Overdose can be caused by a number of reasons like taking excessive substances or drugs, taking medications with alcohol, etc.

           How Can You Recognize a Drug Overdose?

Below are a few signs that can tell you if a person is experiencing a drug overdose-

  1. Dilated eyes.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Chest pain.
  4. Slow or difficult breathing.
  5. Confusion and disorientation.
  6. Limp body.
  7. Unresponsive but awake.
  8. Loss of consciousness.

NOTE: These symptoms vary depending on each person.


Examples of substances or drugs which can also cause a drug overdose is Heroin, Cocaine, Codeine, Tramadol, Arizona, etc.

               What Should You Do in The Case of a Suspected Overdose

Here are a few steps to take if you suspect that someone is experiencing a drug overdose:

  1. Do not leave the person alone.
  2. Do not try to induce or cause them to vomit.
  3. Do not give the person something to drink or eat.
  4. Move the person to a quiet place.
  5. Call for an ambulance or take them to the nearest hospital or clinic.

            Factors That Have Contributed to The Drug Abuse Crisis in Nigeria

There are a lot of reasons why Nigerians abuse drugs or take substances. Some of them are:

  1. Cost of living in Nigeria.
  2. Insufficient knowledge of the harmful effects of drug abuse.
  3. The glamorizing of drug use by the entertainment industry.
  4. Peer Pressure, etc.

Here is a brief explanation some of these factors:

  1. a) Cost of Living in Nigeria: The serious effects of the economic recession in Nigeria has driven many to take illegal drugs. The frustration and pain of being unable to afford three square meals a day for many and their families, has led to drug abuse.

Many Nigerians have resorted to drugs to numb their pain and frustrations at the situation of the country.

  1. b) Insufficient Knowledge of the Harmful Effects of Drug Abuse: Many people especially youths take drugs due to inadequate knowledge of its negative and harmful consequences.

Drug abuse ruins a person’s life financially, mentally and physically. Its harmful effects can even extend to families and loved ones.

  1. c) The Glamorizing of Drug Abuse by the Entertainment Industry: In Nigeria, many popular stars sing songs about drug use and sometimes publicly abuse drugs.

Some musicians even use drugs to get inspiration for their music. This makes it look as if drug abuse is a cool thing to take part in and this has led many Nigerians to abuse drugs.


ALSO READ: Online v In-Person Support Groups/Communities: Choosing the Right Format for Your Mental Health Needs.


Consequences of Drug Abuse.

Drug abuse can have a lot of negative effects on a person physically, mentally and socially. Here are few of these effects:

Physical and Mental Effects of Drug Abuse

  • Liver Damage.
  • Respiratory Problems.
  • Heart Attack and Stroke.
  • Risk of Drug Overdose and Death
  • Increase in Anxiety and Depression.
  • Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairments.

Social Effects of Drug Abuse

  • Relationship Breakdown.
  • Family Conflicts.
  • Inability to Focus at Work, School, etc.
  • Stigmatization and Discrimination.
  • Financial Strains.
  • Loss of Work.
  • Legal Problems.


                   How Can We Address the Drug Abuse Crisis in Nigeria?

As stated earlier, the theme of this year’s International Overdose Awareness Day is “Together We Can“. This means that to address the drug abuse crisis in Nigeria, everyone has a role to play.

  1. Government, Groups, Organizations-
  2. Education and Sensitization: Government, policy makers, ministries, activists etc, should increase the education and sensitization of members of the society on the terrible effects of drug abuse. This outreach must be done online and offline.

It should also extend to all areas including rural areas, schools, higher institutions, churches, etc. Adequate publicity should also be done to reduce the stigma associated with drug abuse.

A study carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics and United Nations Drug Office on Drugs and Crime revealed that stigma associated with substance use, was one of the major limitations discouraging drug users from seeking treatment in Nigeria.

  1. Establishment of Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers: More treatment centers should be established to ensure comprehensive care for drug abusers or addicts.

In Nigeria, drug treatment is usually carried out by tertiary hospitals, NGOs, churches., etc which makes their services limited.  Even government facilities do not have enough qualified staff to care for people with drug abuse disorders.

It is therefore very important that treatment centers provide more comprehensive care. Beyond detoxification and counseling, they should also offer rehabilitation and relapse services for drug users.

  1. Reduced Cost of Treatment: Affordable treatment options should be provided for people with drug use disorders. The government can try to subsidize the cost of drug treatments to make it more affordable and accessible.
  2. Increased Efforts from Law Enforcement Agencies: Law enforcement agencies like National Drug Law enforcement Agency (NDLEA) should intensify their efforts in stopping and reducing drug trafficking in Nigeria.


B. Individuals-

  1. Parents must thoroughly educate their children on the harmful consequences of drug abuse. They must ‘deglamorize’ drug use from how it is painted by the media especially the music industry.

You must teach your children that taking drugs should never be an option to cope with life’s challenges. Let them know that drug abuse ruin lives, families and increases the risk of overdose and death.

  1. As individuals, we must educate our colleagues, friends, families on the harmful effects of drug abuse. Through our social media, we can sensitize the people around us on the devastating effects of abusing drugs.

We should also encourage our friends and loved ones who use drugs to seek professional help and support them in their recovery journey.


Drug abuse is an issue that affects every member of the society one way or the other. Studies shows that 1 in 8 Nigerians experience the consequences of drug abuse, even due to other people’s drug use.

It is therefore very important that every one – government, ministries, policy makers, Individuals come together to fight this issue that is killing many of our people.

               Mycarebuddy Can Help You

If you or your loved one is trying to recover or in the process of recovery from drug abuse, our qualified therapists are here to guide you on that journey. Feel free to approach us HERE.

Our mental health community is also always open to you. CLICK HERE to join our community- a safe space where your mental health needs are prioritized.