July is the Minority Mental Health Awareness month where attention is brought to the unique challenges minority groups face and its impact on their mental health.
In this article, our focus shall be on the ethnic minorities in Nigeria. We will learn about some of the challenges that ethnic minorities face in Nigeria, its impact on their mental health and how we can mitigate these challenges and offer support.

Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria

An ethnic group can be defined as a group of people who share common languages, cultures and values.
In Nigeria, there are over 250 ethnic groups with over 500 indigenous languages. Each of these ethnic groups has its own set of traditions and cultures.
There are 3 major ethnic groups in Nigeria which are Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba and Ibo and these make up 70% of the Nigeria population respectively.

All other ethnic groups form the ethnic minority group we are concerned with in these article.
Examples of ethnic minority groups in Nigeria are Ijaw, Ibibio, Tiv, Kanuri, Jukun etc.

Problems/Challenges faced by Ethnic Minority Groups in Nigeria

Ethnic minorities face a lot of obstacles which negatively impacts their mental health and hinders their access to mental health services and resources.

Some of the challenges faced by minority ethnic groups are:
1. Discrimination and Marginalization.
2. Violence and Conflicts.
3. Economic Inequality.
4. Cultural Suppression and Extinction
5. Limited Access to Healthcare (especially mental health services).
6. Little or Total Lack of Representation in Government.
7. Language Barriers etc.

Here is a brief explanation of 5 of these challenges and its impact on their mental health-

1. Discrimination and Marginalization

Compared to major ethnic groups, minority ethnic groups in Nigeria are often discriminated against and sidelined. In terms of job opportunities, allocation of public resources, leadership and decision-making, minority ethnic groups are often marginalized and overlooked.
For example, in Nigeria, political processes cater more to the interests of the ‘big 3" i.e Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa at the expense of other ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Impact on their mental health: The constant undervaluing and discrimination of ethnic minorities can lead to high rates of depression and other mental health illnesses.

2. Violence and Conflicts

In Nigeria’s history, a lot of minority groups and communities have been plagued by conflicts and violence which has led to loss of lives, properties and livelihood. These constant fighting and violence creates an atmosphere of fear and instability.

Impact on their mental health: The cycle of violence that is common among minority ethnic groups has negative psychological effects on the individuals in those groups. These individuals may also struggle with anxiety, PTSD, trauma etc.

3. Economic Inequality

Minority ethnic groups in Nigeria do not have equal access to resources compared to major ethnic groups.
They are constantly overlooked or dismissed in resources allocation creating a huge economic gap between them and other major ethnic groups.
The total or partial absence of minority groups in decision making roles to advocate for their demands makes the situation even more serious.
For these reasons, many ethnic minority groups and communities are in serious economic hardship.

Impact on their mental health: Financial or economic hardships are a major contributor to stress and anxiety.

4. Cultural Suppression and Extinction

Cultural suppression is the act of limiting the practice or expression of certain cultures and traditions.
The traditions and practices of minority ethnic groups in Nigeria are gradually being erased, suppressed and overshadowed by major ethnic groups.

Impact on their mental health: The struggle by ethnic minority groups to maintain their cultural identity places a huge psychological burden on the individuals in those groups.
They also suffer from identity crisis as they have to hold on to their culture and traditions and at the same time conform to mainstream traditions. This can lead to low self-esteem which affect their mental well-being.

5. Limited Access to Healthcare (especially mental health services)

Minority ethnic groups face difficulties in accessing health care services due to geographical restraints, financial costs, inadequate facilities etc.
It is even more difficult for them to access mental health care as many ethnic minorities groups have not even been properly educated on the importance of taking care of their mental health. So, the stigma around mental health prevents them from seeking help.

Impact on their mental health: The limited access to mental healthcare prevents individuals in minority ethnic groups from seeking help leading to unresolved mental health issues.

How Can We Support Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria?

1. Create an inclusive environment-

Every ethnic group has its own unique traditions and cultures which is not inferior to other cultures. It is therefore very important that stakeholders especially the government strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where different ethnic groups can shine.
A way to do this is to promote programs and initiatives that encourage ethnic minorities to celebrate their traditions and roots e.g. cultural festivals.
Also, more individuals from minority ethnic groups should be appointed in decision making positions.
This will reduce feelings of isolation and marginalization among minority ethnic groups and create a sense of belonging which improves their overall mental well-being.

2. Improve access to healthcare especially mental health services-

Ethnic minorities groups should be provided with healthcare services and resources tailored to their culture and practices.
For example, health care resources can be given in the languages that minority ethnic groups understand. This is very important for mental health care services as it will encourage individuals to seek help and speak out.

3. Provide education and skills acquisition trainings-

Many minority ethnic groups in Nigeria live in abject poverty and economic hardships compared to major ethnic groups.
To bridge this economic gap, minority groups must be assisted to acquire useful skills that would enhance their economic status.
These education and skill acquisition trainings would help in reducing the financial burdens on these minority ethnic groups. It will also boost their self-esteem and reduce feelings of helplessness leading to a better mental state.

4. Create policies and laws that caters to minority ethnic groups-

The needs of minority ethnic groups in Nigeria must be addressed when laws and policies are being made. Their culture and traditions should be taken into consideration when making laws and policies.
This will reduce marginalization and create an environment where individuals in these minority ethnic groups feel valued and understood.


Ethnic minority groups in Nigeria face a lot of challenges ranging from economic inequality, cultural suppression to marginalization and discrimination. All these negatively impacts the mental wellness of the individuals in these groups.
It is therefore very important that stakeholders especially the government do all they can to ensure that ethnic minority groups receive the necessary support and resources to address the unique challenges they face. This will not only improve their mental health but also promote unity in the country.

At Mycarebuddy, we care about your mental health. So if you are a part of any of the minority
ethnic groups in Nigeria, feel free to reach out to us here .