Anyone can feel stressed out. It is part of daily living. You may feel stressed due to your work, family, relationships, etc.

However, studies have shown that excessive or prolonged stress can lead to mental health problems like depression, anxiety and even physical health problems like hypertension.

So, choosing to join a mental health community could be a major step in helping you reduce and manage stress in your life.

In this article, we will briefly examine some of the causes and signs of stress. We will also consider 5 ways joining a mental health community could help you reduce and handle stress.

                 9 Causes of Stress.

There are several reasons why a person can feel stressed out. Some of them are:

  1. Poverty and unemployment.
  2. Relationship conflicts.
  3. Work problems.
  4. Health concerns.
  5. Parenting challenges.
  6. Addictions.
  7. Debts.
  8. Adulting issues.
  9. Academic pressure.

(a). Poverty and Unemployment

In Nigeria and many other countries, a lot of individuals live from hand to mouth. The inability to afford the basic needs of life can significantly increase stress levels.

Unemployment, both short term and long term, can also be a major cause of stress. It can cause mental health problems like anxiety and depression. A study, showed that 43% of unemployed people had poor mental health.

Unemployment also causes financial hardship, low life satisfaction and low self-esteem.

(b). Relationship Conflicts

Relationship conflicts can be a disagreement or misunderstanding with your friend, partner or family. Being in a relationship either romantic or familial that is constantly filled with conflicts can be very stressful.

It can be very stressful and can also lead to mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Relationship conflicts can also lead to aggression, mood swings, insomnia, etc.

(c). Work Problems

Work- related stress occurs when you are constantly pressured by work demands. Stress from work is also a leading cause of mental health problems like depression and physical problems like hypertension.

According to research , 69% of Gen Z are experiencing workplace stress. The statistics is even more dire for other generations with 79% of millennials and 59% of Gen X experiencing work-related stress.

Excessive work demands can lead to stress and ultimately burnout

     10 Signs of Being Stressed Out

There are various signs to identify if someone is stressed but here are a few common ones:

  1. Constant worrying.
  2. Getting angry constantly.
  3. Eating too little or too much.
  4. Chest pain.
  5. Poor sleep quality.
  6. Mood swings.
  7. Inability to concentrate.
  8. Depression.
  9. Drug and alcohol abuse.

10 Weight problems.

Also Read : 5 Effective Ways You Can Manage Stress as a Working Nigerian Student

  5 Ways a Mental Health Community will help you Manage and Reduce Stress.

1. Healthy Coping Strategies

Belonging to a mental health community ensures that in whatever you may be going through, there will be someone with similar or same experiences as you.

Therefore, you will be able to get practical and actionable advice/ tips on what strategies worked for them and what didn’t work. You will also receive healthy coping strategies from experts who can empathize with you.

2. Shared Experiences

Listening to the experience of others is a good way to reduce stress. You feel less isolated and stressed when you hear others who have gone through similar things as yourself.

3. Professional/ Expert Guidance

Mental Health communities are usually led by mental health professionals and experts. You can ask questions and seek help whenever you need it. You also get resources, advice tailored to help you manage and reduce stress.

For example, the Mycarebuddy mental health community offers webinars and masterclasses which are led by mental health professionals ensuring you get accurate mental healthcare and guidance.

4. Emotional Support

A 2019 study showed that  people with social support either from friends and family have reduced levels of stress.

This shows that having a social support system is very important to your mental well-being.

Therefore, joining a mental health community can be a huge support to you and reduce your stress levels. This is a very good option if you do not have friends/family members to rely on or they live far away.

Furthermore, belonging to a mental health community creates a sense of belonging and helps you feel good. You feel happy and less stressed knowing you belong to a group where your stories and experiences are empathized with.

5. A Safe Space to Unwind

One of the unique benefits of a mental health community is the empathetic support you receive.

Mental Health communities are judgement- free zones where you can express your honest feelings and emotions. You can let down your guard and tell others what you are going through without reserve.

An example is if you are going through a tough breakup. Normally, you might be embarrassed to talk about it in real life. However, you can easily talk and share your experience in your mental health community.

You also receive support from others and learn practical ways to cope and handle such a situation

Another example is a person who is having parenting difficulties.  Belonging to a mental health community can ensure that him/her receive practical advice from other parents who might have been in that situation in the past.

                    Join Our Amazing Community

Joining a mental health community can be one of the best decisions you can make for your mental health and general well-being.

Click here to be a part of our family today.