Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as a Nigerian: Meaning, Symptoms, Treatment

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not much talked about in Nigeria compared to other mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Although it is a major mental health challenge, few Nigerians understand what it means. For those who understand, there is a misconception that it is all about performing repeated tasks or trying to stay clean.

However, OCD is way more than that. With OCD awareness week coming soon, it is important that you understand what it really means and how it can be treated.

In this article, we will learn about OCD, its symptoms and how it can be treated or managed.

What exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

According to Cleveland Clinic, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition in which you have frequent unwanted thoughts that cause you to perform repetitive behaviors.

This condition causes you to have illogical thoughts and fears that can make you anxious making you perform repeated actions to get rid of those thoughts and fears.

Examples of such fears and thoughts include:

  • Fear of harming your loved ones or yourself.
  • Fear of losing something or someone.
  • Thoughts of making mistakes.

This doesn't mean that OCD is all about doing things repeatedly but that it also affects your daily living.  People with OCD find it very difficult to have a normal life or enjoy normal interactions with others.

When they refuse to perform these actions, they feel uncomfortable, anxious and unable to function normally.

Some OCD symptoms are:

  • Washing your hands continuously to the point of pain.
  • Wanting everything arranged in a specific way.
  • Cleaning your room every few hours.
  • Hoarding items that you don't need.
  • Checking your door lock repeatedly.
  • Excessive brushing of your teeth in a day.

Note: What matters is that these symptoms affect your normal activities.

There are no specific causes of OCD but some factors that can cause it are genetics, childhood trauma, tic disorders, anxiety disorders, etc.

ALSO READ: Professional Therapy: Why You Should See a Therapist


4 Effects of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

When you have OCD, it can lead to:

  1. Difficulty in having normal relationships.
  2. Inability to focus in school or at work.
  3. Suicidal thoughts.
  4. Contact dermatitis.


How can OCD be Treated or Managed

  1. Through Medications: If you are diagnosed with OCD, there are drugs that can help you treat it like Tricyclic Antidepressants, selective SRIS, etc. Make sure to visit a qualified mental health professional for diagnosis first.
  2. Therapy: Going to therapy is also a good way to treat OCD. Therapy techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can help in treating OCD.

In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, your therapist will help you develop better healthy coping strategies to replace your obsessions and compulsions

In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, your therapist will help you learn and adjust your thoughts so you can live a normal life in spite of your OCD diagnosis.

Another therapy technique that can help is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). This type of therapy involves doing the things you are afraid or being in situations that you are afraid of. This aim of this type of therapy is to help you understand that your fears are unreal and untrue.

At Mycarebuddy, we have qualified therapists who are always ready to guide you. Click here to book an appointment.

  1. Practice Self-Care: Practicing self-care can help you manage your symptoms. Examples of some self-care practices that you can do are meditation, eating healthy, regular exercise, quality sleep etc. You can also practice other relaxation techniques like Yoga, group reflections, etc.
  2. Join Support Groups: There are support groups for people with OCD online that you can join. In this groups, you will learn about your condition and how you can live a normal life even with your condition.


ALSO READ: Online v In-Person Support Groups/Communities: Choosing the Right Format for Your Mental Health Needs.



Obsessive compulsive Disorder is a mental health disorder that can affect anyone. If you show any of the symptoms mentioned above, try to connect with a mental health provider for early diagnosis and treatment. Click here to learn more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

To learn more about mental health and even receive mental health support and resources, join our community today and be a part of our family.

World Mental Health Day: How to Take Care of Your Mental Health at Work (Employers and Employees)

Every workplace comes with its own share of stress and struggles which can affect your mental well-being. As an employee or employer, the pressure of work demands can cause you or your employees to feel stressed, anxious and even experience burnout.

So, in this article, our focus shall be on how you can prioritize mental health at your workplace.

         World Mental Health Day: Mental Health at Work

Today is the World Mental Health day and the theme of this year is, "It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace."

This theme is aimed at drawing attention to how work can have a significant impact on the mental well-being of employees and employers.

Many of us spend more time on work than we spend in our homes or other places. It is therefore very important to know how we can work in a way that does not impact or affect our mental health.

Also, According to WHO, one in 4 individuals will experience mental issues at a point in their lives. This means any of your employees can face mental health issues ranging from mild issues like anxiety to more serious mental health challenges like depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc., at any time.


Examples of situations that might impact your mental health at work includes:

  • Unhealthy competitions/rivalry.
  • Poor working conditions.
  • Discrimination and marginalization at work based on color, class, gender, physical appearance, etc.
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Toxic work environments.
  • Inflexible work hours.

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community- WHO


What are the Effects of not Prioritizing Your Mental Health at Work?

Mental Health is a very important conversation that must be valued at work. Refusing to prioritize your mental health or your employees' can have negative effects on their work, health, etc. Some of them include:

   Reduced Work Performance

A toxic workplace where your mental health is not valued can be very discouraging and affect your work performance and results.

     Frustration and Burnout

Working continuously without taking breaks and prioritizing your mental health can lead to frustration and burnout.

     Breakdown of Relationships and Families

When your mental health is not valued in your workplace, the frustrations and stress from your work can spill over to your family and loved ones

        Presenteeism and Resignation

You might find it difficult to cope in a toxic work environment where your mental health is not valued. This can cause you to quit or exhibit signs of presenteeism i.e., not working at your best.

            Health Problems

A workplace where your mental health is not valued can also affect your physical well-being. Health problems like high blood pressure are one of results of being in work environment where mental well-being is not a priority.

64% of Nigerian employees are at risk of burnout - The Guardian

4 Things that Happens When You Prioritize Your Mental Health at Work

  1. Increased productivity: When you are treated well and your mental health is valued, you work more efficiently.
  2. More Job Satisfaction: A workplace culture where mental health is prioritized creates employees and employers who genuinely want the company to grow and succeed.
  3. Attract Top Talents: Top talents want to work in an organization where their mental health is valued. if you prioritize mental health at your work as an employer, you attract qualified and talented individuals.
  4. Better Health: Your physical health benefits when you are in a good condition mentally. Health issues like hypertension, stroke etc., reduces significantly.


Working too much could lead to high blood pressure- American Heart Association News


How Can You Take Care of Your Mental Health as an Employee?

  1. Take regular breaks: You are not prioritizing your mental health when you are constantly working without breaks. Working late hours and skipping rest would only have terrible effects in your health.

Therefore, you must learn to take breaks constantly. You can stop or try to reduce your work during weekends. Even at work, you can take breaks like walking to buy your lunch, talking to your co-worker, standing up from your work station, etc.

  1. Set boundaries between work and your personal life: This is very important. There is a time to work and a time to rest. Don't bring work in when you're supposed to be connecting with your family.

During weekends or leave, hang out with your loved ones. Don't work all the time especially outside your work hours.

  1. Ask for help: One thing that usually causes stress at work is when you try to do everything alone especially when it is beyond you. If there is a task that is taking all of your time and you can't handle it well, ask for help.

Talk to your boss and co-workers. Don't keep it in.

  1. Talk about your feelings and struggles at work: If you're going through something at work like bullying, harassment, etc., speak up. Tell your family, boss co-workers etc.

If you feel stressed or unable to handle the pressures from your work, speak to someone. Better still, go to a therapist. You are not weak when you decide to ask for help or talk about your feelings and challenges.

  1. Take good care of yourself: This is something your employers cannot do for you. You need to make time for yourself. Practice self-care like healthy eating, regular exercise, socializing, etc.

Take time for yourself. Have a life outside work.

How can Employers Prioritize the Mental Health of their Employees?

To create a workplace where mental health is valued, employers have a significant role to play. Some of them are:

  1. Provide wellness plans and programs targeted towards mental health: As an employer, you can provide mental health services and resources to your employees. Examples of such mental health services includes subsidized therapy sessions, group reflections, meditation, etc.
  2. Organize regular mental health seminars and trainings: You should try to organize regular programs and seminars for your employees to encourage and teach them how to handle work pressures without getting burnout.

We can help you with this. We provide mental health trainings to organizations that teach both employees and employers better ways to prioritize their mental health.

  1. Create an open and non-toxic work environment: This can only be done when employers take the first step. Set an example where your employees can easily talk to you about their worries and problems. This openness will spread towards the grassroots level at your work.

To create a non-toxic environment, ensure that unhealthy competitions, backbiting, bullying etc., are dealt with severely to set an example to others.

  1. Create policies that frown at discrimination and harassment: To have a workplace atmosphere where discrimination and harassment are frowned out, it starts from you. The way company leaders act determines how everyone else will act.

Create and publicize strict policies with serious punishments for anyone who discriminates or harasses their co-workers.

  1. Create a culture of recognition and appreciation in your company: Always recognize and appreciate the efforts of the people who work for you and with you.

You can organize events like employee appreciation week and give awards and gifts. To get more ideas, you can check out some of our employees wellness products at Mycarebuddy.

  1. Encourage work-life balance: To do this, give regular breaks to your employees to help them relax and connect with their family. Constant working overtime will lead to stress and burnout in the long run.

Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business- Richard Branson

Learn How to take Care of your Mental Health in your Workplace

To celebrate the World Mental Health day, Mycarebuddy would be hosting a mental health session where you can learn how to prioritize mental health at work either as an employer or employee.

It holds at 5pm on our telegram community and you can join us here


Choosing to take care of your mental health at your work will increase your performance and create a thriving workplace.

To learn more about prioritizing your mental health not at just at work but in your personal life, join our mental health community today.

What is Yoga: 6 Major Benefits of Yoga on Your Mental Health

Many people see Yoga as just an exercise to help you become more flexible, build strength and improve your physical health.

However, beyond these physical benefits, Yoga can also play a positive role on your mental well-being.

Therefore, in this article, we will consider what Yoga entails and some of the benefits that Yoga can have on your mental health.

                     What is Yoga?

The term ‘Yoga' comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘union’ or ‘bind’. It is a practice that originated from India.

Yoga combines physical poses, meditation techniques and breathing exercises which benefits both the mind and the body.

These physical movements or poses in Yoga helps to improve your body flexibility. On the other hand, the meditation and breathing exercises in Yoga improve your brain and mental health. This is why Yoga is called a mind-body exercise i.e both your mind and your body benefits.

It is also a good physical activity that can help in reducing blood pressure, back pain, etc.

Yoga is recognized as one of the most popular physical practices in the world today. A 2024  survey revealed that in the US alone, 35 million people practice yoga regularly.

Yoga sessions/classes are usually led by yoga trainers or teachers whether in a group or individual yoga session.

                  What to Expect in a Yoga Session?

Yoga is s a combination of different types of activities. They include:

  1. Yoga Poses or Movements: These are physical movements that helps you build strength and flexibility. Some Yoga poses are:
  • Planks,
  • Chair pose,
  • Mountain pose,
  • Triangle pose, etc.

There are several yoga poses that can be found online which you can practice even at home.

  1. Breathing Exercises/ Yogic Breathing - This is an important part of Yoga where you practice breathing techniques which matches your physical movements.
  2. Yoga Meditation: Here, meditation is paired alongside physical yoga practices. It involves focusing on a particular object, mantra or activity with the aim of clearing your mind.

These meditations are usually done at the end of a yoga session.

ALSO READ: 10 Amazing Benefits of Meditation on Your Mental and Physical Health

                     What to Bring When Attending a Yoga Class.

Whether you are taking a public or private yoga class or even doing it in your home, there are certain items you must prepare especially if you are a beginner. Some of them are

  1. A yoga mat,
  2. A water bottle filled with warm water,
  3. Comfortable and loose clothes,
  4. Towels or face wipes, etc.

                 6 Major Benefits of Yoga on Your Mental Health

  1. Yoga reduces depression: Participating in a Yoga session is a recognized way to reduce depression. According to research, Yoga can be a mental health treatment just like therapy.
  2. It reduces anxiety: Doing Yoga can make you feel less anxious. Yoga is a focused-based activity which combines physical movements, breathing techniques and meditation etc.

When you find yourself anxious or constantly worrying, participating in a yoga session can calm your mind and help you let go of your anxieties.

  1. It boosts your mood: Practicing Yoga can improve your mood and make you happy. When you practice yoga, your body releases chemicals like Dopamine, Serotonin which can boost your mood and make you feel lighter and happier.
  2. Yoga can help you relieve stress: When you find it hard to cope with the demands of work and life, taking a yoga class is a self-care practice you should consider.

The calm and positive environment of yoga classes combined with several yoga poses will help you calm your mind and reduce the tension in your body.

  1. Yoga strengthens your brain muscles: When you practice yoga, your mental capacity improves. Whether its your memory or thinking skills, Yoga has a positive effect.

It sharpens your mind and helps you think clearly. Studies have shown that people who do yoga regularly have a sharper mind and improved memory compared to people who don’t.

So, Yoga is not just an activity that improves your physical flexibility but also your mind.

  1. Yoga helps you sleep better: Like any other exercise, doing yoga regularly can help you sleep better and reduce insomnia.

According to Healthline, taking Yoga classes can improve your sleep quality and quantity.

                             Register for Our Yoga Class in Lagos

Starting a yoga habit is a good way to take care of your mental and physical health at the same time.

To help you take the first step on building a yoga habit, register here for our upcoming soiree where several self-care practices including yoga would be organized.

This event will take place on 5th October 2024. It will hold between the hours of 4pm-6pm at the Happiness Center, 320 Akin Ogunlewe street, Victoria Island, Lagos. Register here to attend.


Group Reflections: 5 Reasons Why You Should Participate

The discussion around mental health has risen over the years as many people come to the realization that taking care of their mental health is also as important as taking care of their physical well-being.

Participating in a group reflection is one of the activities that can improve your mental state. It offers a unique opportunity to understand your emotions, share your experiences, stories and receive support and guidance within a group setting.

In this blog post, you will learn about group reflection, what it entails and reasons why you should participate in a group reflection.

                              Group Reflection

Group reflection is a collaborative activity where individuals come together to share their thoughts and feelings about their experiences and challenges, particularly related to their mental well-being.

In a group reflection, members share their experiences, challenges and stories among themselves. They also receive advice, support and constructive feedbacks on how to handle those situations.

Examples of challenges or stories that members can talk about in a group reflection are parenting challenges, academic struggles, relationship conflicts, work-life balance, etc.

                        How is a Group Reflection Done?

There is no specific way or structure in which a group reflection can be done but it often involves:

  • Gathering participants willing to share their stories and experiences.
  • Setting ground rules to ensure a smooth and tension-free discussion.
  • Starting a discussion among members.
  • Listening to members' stories and experiences and gathering key takeaways and conclusions for everyone to learn.

ALSO READ: 10 Self-Care Practices to Help you Relax and Unwind

                 5 Reasons Why You Should Participate in a Group Reflection

  1. Learning and Growth: When you participate in a group reflection, you learn from others and receive suggestions, support and guidance on your situation. You also gain knowledge about other perspectives in a situation.

For example, in a group reflection, where someone is sharing his/his relationship struggles, you get to learn from them and hear different views which helps you grow mentally and emotionally.

  1. Problem Solving Strategies: Participating in a group reflection opens your eyes to different strategies, approaches that you can use to handle your own situation.

For example, if you are experiencing some parental challenges, you can learn from others who faced it in the past and see how they handled and overcome it.

  1. Identification of Growth and Development Gaps: Participating in a group reflection will help you to notice and pinpoint areas of your life that you need to change and improve.
  2. Improved Self-Awareness: Group Reflections are one of the best ways to learn more about yourself. Hearing other people's stories, ideas, experiences can help you come to terms with your own experiences and beliefs.
  3. Sense of Belonging and Community: In a group reflection, you get to listen to experiences and stories from people who have faced similar situations as yourself. This creates a sense of belonging and helps you realize that you're not alone.

                 Come and Join Us

Joining a group reflection can be a transformative experience for your mental and emotional well-being.

This is why Mycarebuddy  in collaboration with the Happiness Center will be hosting a group reflection along with other self-care activities on 5th October 2024. It will hold between the hours of 4pm-6pm at the Happiness Center, 320 Akin Ogunlewe street, Victoria Island, Lagos. Register here to be a part of an amazing experience.


Sharing your stories and struggles and listening to others tell theirs in a group reflection not only helps you to overcome those struggles but it also benefits your mental well-being.

Register here for a group reflection  and enjoy an experience that would transform your emotional and mental state.

Professional Therapy: Why You Should See a Therapist

In today’s fast-paced world, the challenges of daily life can often feel overwhelming and cause us to struggle with stress, anxiety, etc. Choosing to undergo professional therapy is a major way for us to handle these issues that affects our mental health.

Therapy offers a supportive space to explore these issues and develop healthy ways to cope with them.

In this blogpost, we will consider what professional therapy entails, signs you should see a therapist and its benefits.

                      Professional Therapy

Professional Therapy or Talk therapy is a mental health treatment where you meet with a mental health professional usually called a therapist, to discuss about your own struggles, feelings, etc., that affect your mental health and receive support and advice from them on how to handle these issues.

In a therapy session, you and your therapist have a conversation in a safe space where you can unload your honest feelings and emotions without fear of being judged. Your therapist not only listens to you but also recommend healthy ways you can handle those situations.


ALSO READ: 4 Misconceptions about Mental Health as a Nigerian


                11 Signs You Need to See a Therapist

Here are some signs that it is time for you to consider professional therapy:

  1. You are feeling depressed.
  2. You feel stressed and anxious.
  3. You are experiencing changes in your life like a divorce, new job, etc.
  4. You are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
  5. You feel a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in your life.
  6. You find it difficult to balance the demands of your personal life and your work.
  7. You have a mental health disorder like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, etc.
  8. You have low self-esteem.
  9. You are experiencing conflicts in your relationships.
  10. You are experiencing trauma e.g., rape trauma, childhood trauma, etc.
  11. You are having thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

These and many more are some of the signs that you should consider seeing a therapist.


ALSO READ : The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Therapy as a Nigerian


                      Where Can You Find a Therapist

Your therapist must be someone who has actually been trained. Just because a person is good at giving advice, does not mean him/her is a therapist

To find a qualified therapist for yourself, you may need to visit mental health organizations and centers.

You can also search online for qualified therapists. A good mental health organization where you can find qualified therapists is Mycarebuddy.

Our therapists are highly trained to listen and proffer guidance and solutions to your situations and challenges.

Whether you want to undergo online therapy or face-to-face therapy, we are more than happy to help. You can book your first appointment here.

Things to Know When You Decide to Undergo Therapy

If you have never seen a therapist, you might feel overwhelmed about seeing one. However, it is not as difficult as it sounds.

In fact, seeing a therapist can be one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being so you should not be afraid or anxious about it. Here are some things to know when you decide to undergo therapy -

  • You will be asked questions that would encourage you to talk about yourself and identify your problem. These questions are not to mock or embarrass you.
  • Your discussion with your therapist is a confidential one so do not be afraid of being judged.
  • Your therapist is there to provide a listening ear so feel free to talk about your struggles, emotions and feelings.
  • Your problem or reason for attending therapy would not be solved on the first session. Therapy is an ongoing process not an instant problem solver.


   5 Benefits of Professional Therapy to You

Some of the numerous benefits of therapy are:

1. It helps you to understand your situation and develop healthy coping mechanisms to handle them-

For example, through therapy, you can learn how to cope with situations like grief, divorce in a way that is healthy and not self-sabotaging.

  1. It helps you build and maintain a better relationship with your partner, family, children and your friends-

For example, if you are facing some conflicts in your relationship with your partner, therapy can help you understand and handle the situation in a better way.

  1. Therapy can increase your self-awareness and self-esteem-

In therapy, you look deeply into yourself and your beliefs. You also get to reflect and analyze your actions and words with the guidance of your therapist.

The result of these is that you become more self-aware and connected to your inner self.

  1. Therapy will help you treat your mental health disorders-

According to the WHO, one in eight people in the world have a mental health disorder. This is why therapy is very important.

In therapy, your therapist will guide you and help you treat your mental health concerns using recognized mental health techniques.

  1. Undergoing Therapy will increase your productivity at work-

Therapy is a good way to address all the stress from work and prevent burnout.

In therapy, you learn different ways on how you can strike a balance between your work and your life without getting burnout.

                        Take Your First Step

Therapy is not a one-time thing but attending a therapy session can be your first step towards healing, finding balance and recovery.

This is why Mycarebuddy in collaboration with the Happiness Center will be hosting a professional therapy session along with other self-care activities on 5th October 2024. It will hold between the hours of 4pm-6pm at the Happiness Center, 320 Akin Ogunlewe street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Register here and attend your first therapy session.


Working with a therapist is one of the best decisions you can make for your life. It will help you develop a better and stronger relationship with yourself and your loved one. It will also help you build resilience and emotional stability.