Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria: How to Support their Mental Wellbeing.

July is the Minority Mental Health Awareness month where attention is brought to the unique challenges minority groups face and its impact on their mental health.
In this article, our focus shall be on the ethnic minorities in Nigeria. We will learn about some of the challenges that ethnic minorities face in Nigeria, its impact on their mental health and how we can mitigate these challenges and offer support.

Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria

An ethnic group can be defined as a group of people who share common languages, cultures and values.
In Nigeria, there are over 250 ethnic groups with over 500 indigenous languages. Each of these ethnic groups has its own set of traditions and cultures.
There are 3 major ethnic groups in Nigeria which are Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba and Ibo and these make up 70% of the Nigeria population respectively.

All other ethnic groups form the ethnic minority group we are concerned with in these article.
Examples of ethnic minority groups in Nigeria are Ijaw, Ibibio, Tiv, Kanuri, Jukun etc.

Problems/Challenges faced by Ethnic Minority Groups in Nigeria

Ethnic minorities face a lot of obstacles which negatively impacts their mental health and hinders their access to mental health services and resources.

Some of the challenges faced by minority ethnic groups are:
1. Discrimination and Marginalization.
2. Violence and Conflicts.
3. Economic Inequality.
4. Cultural Suppression and Extinction
5. Limited Access to Healthcare (especially mental health services).
6. Little or Total Lack of Representation in Government.
7. Language Barriers etc.

Here is a brief explanation of 5 of these challenges and its impact on their mental health-

1. Discrimination and Marginalization

Compared to major ethnic groups, minority ethnic groups in Nigeria are often discriminated against and sidelined. In terms of job opportunities, allocation of public resources, leadership and decision-making, minority ethnic groups are often marginalized and overlooked.
For example, in Nigeria, political processes cater more to the interests of the ‘big 3" i.e Yoruba, Ibo, Hausa at the expense of other ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Impact on their mental health: The constant undervaluing and discrimination of ethnic minorities can lead to high rates of depression and other mental health illnesses.

2. Violence and Conflicts

In Nigeria's history, a lot of minority groups and communities have been plagued by conflicts and violence which has led to loss of lives, properties and livelihood. These constant fighting and violence creates an atmosphere of fear and instability.

Impact on their mental health: The cycle of violence that is common among minority ethnic groups has negative psychological effects on the individuals in those groups. These individuals may also struggle with anxiety, PTSD, trauma etc.

3. Economic Inequality

Minority ethnic groups in Nigeria do not have equal access to resources compared to major ethnic groups.
They are constantly overlooked or dismissed in resources allocation creating a huge economic gap between them and other major ethnic groups.
The total or partial absence of minority groups in decision making roles to advocate for their demands makes the situation even more serious.
For these reasons, many ethnic minority groups and communities are in serious economic hardship.

Impact on their mental health: Financial or economic hardships are a major contributor to stress and anxiety.

4. Cultural Suppression and Extinction

Cultural suppression is the act of limiting the practice or expression of certain cultures and traditions.
The traditions and practices of minority ethnic groups in Nigeria are gradually being erased, suppressed and overshadowed by major ethnic groups.

Impact on their mental health: The struggle by ethnic minority groups to maintain their cultural identity places a huge psychological burden on the individuals in those groups.
They also suffer from identity crisis as they have to hold on to their culture and traditions and at the same time conform to mainstream traditions. This can lead to low self-esteem which affect their mental well-being.

5. Limited Access to Healthcare (especially mental health services)

Minority ethnic groups face difficulties in accessing health care services due to geographical restraints, financial costs, inadequate facilities etc.
It is even more difficult for them to access mental health care as many ethnic minorities groups have not even been properly educated on the importance of taking care of their mental health. So, the stigma around mental health prevents them from seeking help.

Impact on their mental health: The limited access to mental healthcare prevents individuals in minority ethnic groups from seeking help leading to unresolved mental health issues.

How Can We Support Ethnic Minorities in Nigeria?

1. Create an inclusive environment-

Every ethnic group has its own unique traditions and cultures which is not inferior to other cultures. It is therefore very important that stakeholders especially the government strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where different ethnic groups can shine.
A way to do this is to promote programs and initiatives that encourage ethnic minorities to celebrate their traditions and roots e.g. cultural festivals.
Also, more individuals from minority ethnic groups should be appointed in decision making positions.
This will reduce feelings of isolation and marginalization among minority ethnic groups and create a sense of belonging which improves their overall mental well-being.

2. Improve access to healthcare especially mental health services-

Ethnic minorities groups should be provided with healthcare services and resources tailored to their culture and practices.
For example, health care resources can be given in the languages that minority ethnic groups understand. This is very important for mental health care services as it will encourage individuals to seek help and speak out.

3. Provide education and skills acquisition trainings-

Many minority ethnic groups in Nigeria live in abject poverty and economic hardships compared to major ethnic groups.
To bridge this economic gap, minority groups must be assisted to acquire useful skills that would enhance their economic status.
These education and skill acquisition trainings would help in reducing the financial burdens on these minority ethnic groups. It will also boost their self-esteem and reduce feelings of helplessness leading to a better mental state.

4. Create policies and laws that caters to minority ethnic groups-

The needs of minority ethnic groups in Nigeria must be addressed when laws and policies are being made. Their culture and traditions should be taken into consideration when making laws and policies.
This will reduce marginalization and create an environment where individuals in these minority ethnic groups feel valued and understood.


Ethnic minority groups in Nigeria face a lot of challenges ranging from economic inequality, cultural suppression to marginalization and discrimination. All these negatively impacts the mental wellness of the individuals in these groups.
It is therefore very important that stakeholders especially the government do all they can to ensure that ethnic minority groups receive the necessary support and resources to address the unique challenges they face. This will not only improve their mental health but also promote unity in the country.

At Mycarebuddy, we care about your mental health. So if you are a part of any of the minority
ethnic groups in Nigeria, feel free to reach out to us here .

Women in Male-Dominated Industries: How to Support their Mental Wellbeing

The month of July is set aside to draw attention to the unique and specific mental health challenges that minority groups face in the society.

There are certain mental health challenges that individuals face because they belong to a specific minority group based on their ethnicity, occupation, gender, physical characteristics etc.

In this article, our focus shall be on women working in male-dominated careers or industries.
You will learn about the various challenges that women who work in male-dominated careers
face, its impact on their mental health and how they can be supported.

Women in Male-Dominated Fields/Careers

These are women who work in industries or careers that men mostly work in or are seen as traditionally for men.
Examples of such industries are building and construction, technology, engineering, architecture, transport and logistics, financial services, politics etc.

Women who work in these fields experience a lot of challenges which negatively impact their mental health and overall well-being. According to research , women in male-dominated fields have higher rates of suicides compared to other employed women in other industries.
Also, women in these industries suffer from high-levels of stress which increases the risk of depression and other mental health illnesses.

Problems and Challenges faced by Women in Male-Dominated Careers and its Impact on their Mental State

Everyone faces challenges in their workplace however women working in male-dominated industries face certain problems just because they work in those industries.
They include:

1. Discrimination and Sexism.
2. Unhealthy Societal Expectations and Stereotypes.
3. Sexual Harassment and Gender-based violence.
4. Work-Life Balance Struggles.
5. Isolation and Absence of Role Models/Mentors.
6. Pay Imbalance/Gap.
7. Limited Opportunities for Promotion and Career Advancements.

Here is a brief explanation of 3 of these challenges and its impact on their mental health-

1. Discrimination and Sexism

Due to the traditional beliefs that certain careers are for men, women who work in these fields are discriminated against in their workplace.
Sexist beliefs that women are not capable of doing the same work or giving the same quality of work as men is one of the reasons for this discrimination.
Their work is usually met with distrust, and doubt. Their abilities are also usually questioned regardless of their qualifications.
The results of a study carried out by the Institute for Women's Policy Research showed that nearly half of the women who worked in male-dominated fields experienced discrimination in one form or the other.

Impact on their mental health: The constant discrimination in the workplace, in decision making and promotions etc., leave women working in these fields frustrated and disappointed which affects their self-esteem and can lead to depression.

2. Unhealthy Societal Expectations and Stereotypes

Cultural, societal and religious expectations and stereotypes are one of the challenges women in male-dominated fields have to deal with regularly.
It is still believed that only men are allowed to work in certain jobs or occupations like mechanics, construction, transportation, technology etc.
So, women who work in these fields have to work twice as hard compared to their male counterparts to prove themselves and be taken seriously.
Some of these women have resorted to several unhealthy coping mechanisms with the most common being ‘self-shielding’.
Self-shielding means to change the way you talk, act or look. Women in male-dominated fields have to act and dress masculine, be less reactive, stay calm and cool always, all in a bid to fit in.

Impact on their mental health: All these unhealthy coping mechanisms and constant need to prove their competence has led to an increase in stress, depression, anxiety and burn out in women who work in male-dominated careers.

3. Sexual Harassment and Gender-based Violence
Sexual harassment is a major problem that women who work in male-dominated careers face.
In the US, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received more reports of sexual harassment from women in male-dominated careers compared to other industries.
A good example is the entertainment industry in Nigeria, where men dominate decision making and leadership roles. A lot of women in this industry face a lot of sexual harassments .
Furthermore, women who work in these fields suffer from several forms of violence like physical abuse, bullying, threats of violence or intimidation etc. at work.
A study carried out by the Nigeria Labor Congress and US solidarity Center , revealed that 52% of women had been threatened in their work, on the way to or from work.

Impact on their mental health: These constant state of caution and worry has led to increased anxiety and stress for women who work in these fields.

How Can We Support Women Working in Male-Dominated Industries?

Supporting women in male-dominated industries is a joint effort and cannot be done alone.
We will consider a few ways individuals and organizations can support the mental health and overall well-being of women working in male-dominated industries.


1. Create mentorship and support networks-

You can create associations and mentorship groups where women in these fields can be mentored by other women who have gone ahead of them and can understand what they are going through.

2. Offer Support and Help-

You can help women in these fields share and manage their family and parenting responsibilities. This is a very helpful way to support especially if you are a partner or family member of a woman working in a male-dominated industry.

3. Encourage open discussions on the challenges that women in these industries face-

You can educate people around you on the challenges that woman in male dominated industries face. Tell others about the negative effects of sexist beliefs and jokes and discriminatory behaviors on women.


1. Create inclusive workplaces-

Whether you are an employee or an employer in a male-dominated industry, you can make your workplace a safe and inclusive space where female employees are not discriminated against.
As an employer, you can ensure that your employees especially male employees understand the consequences of any harassment and discrimination of female employees and set strict penalties for any report of harassment and discrimination.

2. Provide equal opportunities for all-

Women should be allowed to compete equally with their male counterparts for decision
making and leadership roles.

3. Provide access to mental health resources and trainings-

As an employer, you can organize trainings and seminars that would educate all your employees on the negative effects of discrimination and gender bias on the mental health of women in your organizations.
Click here to learn how we can help your organization do this.

These are just a few ways you can support the mental wellbeing and overall well-being of the women who work in male-dominated industries.


The challenges that women who work in male-dominated industries face places a heavy burden on their mental state. It also discourages other women from working in these industries.
Therefore, it is very important that individuals, organizations, governments etc. take practical steps to ensure that the mental health of women in male-dominated industries are supported.

Also Read-

1. 4 Misconceptions about Mental Health in Nigeria.
2. Therapy for Nigerians: Four ways Therapy Can Change your Life and Where You can Access

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health in Nigeria

A lot of Nigerians have several wrong beliefs about what mental health really is. These wrong beliefs and misconceptions makes a lot of Nigerians to shy away from speaking up about their mental health.
This silence forms part of the reasons for the high rates of suicides, addictions, stress in Nigeria.

4 Wrong Beliefs Nigerians Have About Mental Health.

1. Many Nigerians think of mental health as something that happens to weak people.

Nigeria is a country that rests so much on the “hustle and work till you die” mentality. Individuals are expected to quietly work hard to solve their problems. So when people are in a poor mental state, they are expected to work through those issues without telling anybody. Speaking up about it will mean admitting you are weak, lazy or unable to solve your problem.

2. Many Nigerians think of mental health in relation to words like "madness", "insanity”, “crazy”, “Psychiatric”.

People do not want to talk about their mental health to avoid being seen as "crazy" or “mental”. This explains why a lot of people do not speak out about their mental health in Nigeria despite the fact that up to 40 million Nigerians are affected by mental illnesses.

3. Some Nigerians think of mental health as a spiritual problem or challenge.

In Nigeria, people see mental health issues as an attack from spiritual forces or evil spirits. People with mental health issues are deemed as being attacked by witches or wizards. This wrong belief discourages people with mental health issues like anxiety, depression from speaking out and increases incidence of suicide, alcoholism etc.

4. Nigerians think of mental health as something that does not exist.

Since you cannot see mental health signs compared to physical health symptoms, many Nigerians do not believe it actually exists. They see it as a myth or excuse. These 4 wrong beliefs form just a little of the misconceptions many Nigerians have about mental health.

What is Mental Health Really About?

What we mean when we talk about mental health is the emotional, psychological and mental state of a person.
This includes how you handle stress in life and work, how you relate with others, how you cope with loss and grief etc.
It does not mean you are mad or crazy. It also does not mean you are weak or lazy.


Currently, Nigeria is experiencing a lot of challenges like poverty, unemployment, economic instability etc., which would have a lot of impact directly and indirectly on your mental health.
Therefore, the discussion on mental health in Nigeria has never been so needed.

You can read some of our blog posts to learn more about mental health, therapy and all it entails.
To start taking care of your mental health, book your first appointment with Mycarebuddy today.

Therapy for Nigerians: 7 Ways Therapy Can Change your Life and Where You Can Access It

Many Nigerians still struggle to talk about their mental health due to the fear of being judged or shamed.
As a Nigerian, choosing to undergo therapy may not be an easy decision. However, the benefits that therapy can have on your life makes it a very worthy option.
In this blog post, you will learn 7 major ways therapy can benefit your life. You will also discover where you can find one of the best therapy services in Nigeria.

8 Ways Therapy Can Change Your Life

1. It will help you manage and reduce stress in your life.

A lot of Nigerians find it difficult to cope or handle the stress of life. The inability to express these emotions for fear of being seen as "weak" places a lot of burden on their mental health.
Through therapy, you can express your feelings and talk about all those things that makes you anxious, scared, worried etc.

2. Therapy will help you develop healthy ways to cope with life’s struggles or challenges.

To manage the worries and stress from daily life, many Nigerians have resorted to drug and alcohol abuse.
According to a report , over 14 million Nigerians were reported to have abused drugs and alcohol. This amount continues to increase yearly.
Undergoing therapy will teach you better and healthy ways to cope and manage the challenges of life. This will not only help you mentally but also help you physically.

3. Therapy provides a safe space to express your feelings and emotions without shame.

As mentioned earlier, many Nigerians find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. This continued suppression leads to unhealthy emotional outbursts, violence, drug abuse , alcoholism etc.
In therapy sessions, you will be able to express all your deepest feelings and emotions and get unbiased feedback.

4. Therapy helps you to manage and overcome addiction.

Many Nigerians have several addictions they battle with secretly. Some of them include drug addiction, sex addiction , alcohol addiction etc.
If you decide to go for therapy, those addictions would be addressed. The causes, effects and how you can overcome them will all be discussed in therapy.

5. Therapy helps you strike a balance between your personal life and your work.

A lot of Nigerians are stressed out especially men when it comes to their work and usually end up feeling burnt out and anxious. But with therapy, you will be able to set healthy boundaries between your work and your personal life. You will learn how to prioritize your family and at the same time work effectively.

6. Therapy helps you build and maintain better relationships.

A lot of conflicts in relationships(romantic/family) is as a result of underlying reasons like childhood events, trauma, loss of loved one etc. In therapy, you are taught how to untangle yourself from the effects of those events and create better and healthier relationships.

7. Therapy helps you find yourself.

In therapy, you discover who you really are. You get clarity about your strength and your weaknesses in therapy. You become more self-aware and accepting of yourself. This ultimately helps you live a more fulfilling and happier life.

Taking the Step to Change Your Life

Now that you understand how therapy can change your life, it is time to take that first most important step.

Finding your Therapist

The first step you need to take to enjoy all the benefits that therapy has to offer is to find a therapist for yourself.
Mycarebuddy provides one of the best mental health services in Nigeria. Our therapists are highly qualified and trained in several therapy procedures to help you.
Click here to get started.

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Therapy as a Nigerian: Benefits, Procedures and Types of Therapy.

Therapy is not a common practice in Nigeria due to certain misconceptions many people have about it. However as mental health awareness continues to increase in the country, the importance of therapy cannot be overemphasized.

  In this article, we will try to provide you with necessary information about therapy that will help you understand it better and hopefully break the mystery surrounding it.

  This article examines the concept of therapy, the benefits it brings as well as its procedures and types.

        What is Therapy?

  In this context, therapy is a process of meeting with someone, who is usually a therapist with the aim of discussing and resolving mental and emotional issues. It is a safe and confidential verbal discussion with a trained therapist, psychologist, counselor etc., to discuss things you’re worried about or struggling with.

  In short, therapy is a talk-based treatment used to treat mental and psychological conditions. It is also known as Psychotherapy or Talk therapy.

       Purpose of Therapy

  The true purpose of therapy is to analyze the ‘WHY’ behind certain feelings and emotions with the aim of resolving them and coming to a conclusion.

  You don’t just go to therapy to talk. You go with a purpose to heal and resolve your mental and psychological issues.

​     Can Anyone Go for Therapy?

  Anyone can undergo therapy. Your age or experience has no bearing on whether you’re fit to go for therapy.

  Even children can go for therapy. Therapy is a way to take care of the emotional and mental state of a person.

  It benefits both adults and children.

     Do You Need Therapy?

  You don’t need a doctor or anyone to refer you for therapy. You may decide to undergo therapy for any reason if you feel you have a psychological, emotional or mental issue you need to resolve.

  However, the American Psychological Association suggested two factors you should consider before deciding to go for therapy. They are:

  • Is the problem distressing i.e. is the problem affecting your quality of life? Are you spending a lot of time thinking or worrying about the issue?
  • Is it affecting any aspect of your life? Is the problem interfering with a part of your life?

NOTE: These are just factors you might consider. Choosing to seek therapy is a personal decision that only you can make.

     11 Signs It Might be Time to Consider Therapy

  1. You’re dealing with anxiety and depressions symptoms.
  2. You’re finding it hard to cope with daily stress.
  3. You can’t function properly at work.
  4. You’re having trouble sleeping.
  5. You’re always feeling down or tired.
  6. You have lost interest in things you used to enjoy in the past.
  7. You’re on the brink of making a life-changing decision.
  8. You think a lot about death and self-harm.
  9. You’re abusing drugs and alcohol.
  10. You’re experiencing serious and persistent mood swings.
  11. You find it difficult to control your emotions.

  Remember, these are just likely signs you should go for therapy. At the end of the day, the decision to seek therapy is in your hands.

     9 Major Benefits that Therapy Bring to Your Life.

  Therapy has a lot of impact on your overall wellbeing. If you do decide to go for therapy, here are 9 benefits you’ll enjoy:

  1. It will help you treat and resolve your mental and psychological problems.
  2. It will help you manage and reduce stress in the workplace and society.
  3. It will help you address and reduce anxiety.
  4. It will help you regulate your emotions.
  5. It will help you build resilience and cope with life challenges.
  6. It will help you get clarity and find your purpose.
  7. It will help you develop and maintain better and healthy relationships.
  8. It will help you become more productive at work.​
  9. It will teach and help you set healthy boundaries.

    10 Types of Therapy Techniques/Procedures

  There are several types of therapy techniques a therapist can employ in treating your mental health issue.

  It is usually the therapist who decides which procedure to use in your treatment. He/she considers the various type of therapy procedures and chooses the most suitable for your condition.

Here are 10 of the most commonly used therapy procedures:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)
  2. Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R).
  3. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Therapy (T-F CBT).
  4. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.
  5. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
  6. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
  7. Psychoanalytic Therapy.
  8. Humanistic Therapy.
  9. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
  10. Art Therapy.

A brief explanation of 3 of these procedures:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  This is the most common and effective therapy approach. It is aimed at helping individuals handle their problems by changing the way they think and act.

  It is guided by the principles that our thinking patterns affect our behavior. It involves a series of activities aimed at helping you to identify and reevaluate your negative thoughts and behaviors as well as proffer solutions to change them.

 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on addressing your present challenges and not past events. 

  It is commonly used to address problems like depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, insomnia etc.

  1. Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R)

   This is an extension of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Although it combines the principles of CBT, it takes a more active role in the recovery process.

  In this procedure, you are guided to find your most meaningful and motivating desires and then taught to take actions that will help you achieve those desires or aspirations. In short, it is a person-centered recovery approach.

 This approach is used to treat mental health conditions like depression, substance use disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) etc.

 It addresses not just your symptoms but the underlying reasons for it.

  1. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  As the name implies, it is a type of treatment used to help individuals who have experienced traumatic experiences in their life. It helps you cope with the aftermaths of trauma.

  This procedure helps you identify unhealthy thoughts and responses caused by trauma and guides you in replacing them with healthier thoughts and responses.

  Through Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you’re able to process traumatic events, manage its effects and control your reactions to triggers.

   This type of therapy procedure is mainly used to treat trauma related conditions.

  It also helps parents and families of children with trauma understand and support their children’s situations.

   6  Types of Therapy

There are 6 major types therapy which are:

  • Individual therapy.
  • Couples Therapy.
  • Family Therapy.
  • Group Therapy.
  • Face to Face Therapy
  • Online Therapy.

       Individual Therapy

  This is a therapy where you’re the only person receiving therapy at a time and the therapy process is customized to your needs alone. It is a one on one session with your therapist.

  This process is confidential and helps your therapist to have a more thorough understanding of your issues to proffer appropriate solutions.

  However, a major downside of this type of therapy is that there is no one to motivate or help you stay committed since you're alone in the therapeutic process.

    Couples Therapy

  This therapy only involves two sets of people -the couple and their therapist. It is usually aimed at helping couples address sources of conflicts in their relationships to improve communication and strengthen their emotional connection.

  It helps to analyze negative patterns and cycles in the relationship and improve relationship satisfaction.

  It also helps to rebuild trust after a breach of trust has occurred e.g after cheating.

  A major disadvantage of couple’s therapy is that couples may be reluctant to participate and this might affect the success of the therapy process.

     Family Therapy

  This therapy focuses on understanding and addressing changes in the family, improving communication as well as settling conflicts.

  It is used to address challenges relating to parenting, blended families, intergenerational conflicts etc.

  This therapy helps to create harmonious and healthy family relationships. It also helps to support parent-child bonds and promote unity.

  A major disadvantage of family therapy is that it can be a time consuming, challenging and uncomfortable process for all parties.

      Group Therapy

  This involves a small group of people usually between 6-12, coming together to be guided by one or more therapist. These group system is focused on shared experiences and mutual support among group members.

  Since individuals are together, each person is more committed and motivated to the process.

  A major disadvantage of this type of procedure is that confidentiality and privacy can easily be compromised since individuals are made to share their personal experiences.

  Group therapy is mainly used to treat substance abuse, addiction recovery and generally any condition that is likely to benefit from peer support and shared experiences.

     Online Therapy

  This is also known as tele therapy or telehealth. With the advancements in technology, online therapy is quickly becoming popular around the world.

  Here, you undergo therapy from your home, work or any place of your choice.

  This therapy is usually carried out on video platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Skype etc. or through phone calls.

  Online therapy benefits individuals who live in rural or remote environments. It also allows individuals with physical limitations access mental health care.

  Despite its many benefits, online therapy faces privacy and confidential challenges. Since, it is done online, your personal information can easily be leaked.

  Also, online therapy is not as thorough as face to face therapy as therapists can only assess facial expressions and not body language.

      Face to Face Therapy 

  This is also known as in-person therapy or traditional therapy. Here, you meet with your therapist face to face i.e in a physical setting e.g. an office, clinic etc.

  This therapy is more thorough and effective as therapists can not only observe facial expressions but also body language in addressing clients’ needs.

  This type of therapy is less flexible in scheduling sessions and is costlier due to transport challenges and expenses.

   5 Key Factors to Consider Before Choosing Any Type of Therapy

  Below are 5 key considerations you must think about selecting the type of therapy that best suits your needs. They are:

  • Your specific goal.
  • Your financial Capability.
  • Your schedule or time.
  • Your location.
  • Your personal preferences.
  1. Your Specific Goal

  The issue you want to solve determines the kind of therapy you choose.

  For example, is your goal for therapy to manage stress and anxiety or settle conflicts in your family? Are you going for therapy to recover from a past traumatic experience or is it to regulate your emotions?

  Knowing the goals that you want to achieve with therapy will help you decide what type of therapy to choose.

  1. Your Financial Capability

  You must determine your budget for therapy before you choose the type of therapy you want. You must find out how much a type of therapy cost before you decide to go for it.

  Mycarebuddy recognizes that your financial capabilities varies which is why we offer budget-friendly payments options.

  You can check out those options here

  1. Your Schedule

  In choosing the right therapy, you must consider your schedule and free time. Are you busy in the day or at night? Are you free on the weekends or on workdays?

  For example, if you don’t have time to meet a therapist physically, you might decide to consider online therapy which is more convenient.

  1. Your Location

  Your location will determine the type of therapy to choose.

  For example, it will determine if you want online or offline therapy.

  1. Your Personal Preferences

  Your personal preference matters a lot in choosing the right therapy for yourself.

  Do you prefer face to face or online therapy? Is confidentiality a major requirement for you?

  These questions and many more will need to be answered before you choose any type of therapy.


  Therapy is a major treatment in resolving mental, emotional and psychological conditions and issues.

  Choosing the right therapist is even more important to ensure you enjoy all the benefits that therapy has to offer.

Ready to find an empathetic therapist that really cares about your mental health? Mycarebuddy is the best place to start. Our therapists are highly qualified and experienced in addressing various aspects of mental health.

Click here to get started.